Proof More People Use Mobile Devices When Visiting Your Site – Is Your Site Mobile-Friendly?

Woman traveling looking for something on her mobile phone while sitting outside at a table in the sun

If your website isn’t mobile friendly, you are losing out on potential clients.

Optimizing your website so that it’s user-friendly on different device sizes is not only essential for a good visitor experience (it’s easier to find things, easier to book you, etc.), it’s also important because sites that aren’t mobile responsive, may also rank lower in search results.

When you are searching for something,  do you ever look at the 2nd or 3rd pages of search results dished up? Rarely, right? Chances are even more slim that someone may find you if your site is even lower than that.

Proof from Google Search Console that more people use their mobile devices vs. their computer.

These mini-graphs below were screenshot from recent views of one month from the Google Search Console Search Performance reports of several different clients. (Business names removed for privacy, of course.) They show what types of devices (desktop, mobile, or tablets) were used when people clicked to visit their site.

Out of 10, only 1 ranked higher for desktop than in mobile device views. In other words, there are more people using their cell phones to search, visit websites, and like you, practically everything else on the internet.

These clients range in niche as well. Local businesses, online (world-wide) businesses, as well as service and product-based businesses. From a local swim lessons school, to French pastry, real estate, dog rescues, doctor’s offices, and more, this collection is a well-rounded range of business types to compare.

While this is a small snapshot in time, it has been the trend for a while.  And, as with most things, there are exceptions. Some businesses will have more visitors on large or laptop computers than others, due to the nature of the type business or other factors, but it’s clear we’re all consuming more information from our phones these days, so be sure your site is up to par.

More stats…(because I’m nerdy like that).

  • Mobile devices account for 58.33% of global website traffic. (Statista)
  • 60% of all online searches are made on mobile devices. (The Webmaster)
  • 83% of mobile users expect a flawless experience whenever they visit a website with their mobile device. ( TechJury)

Things to check on your own website to ensure optimal mobile-friendliness:

  • Make sure your text/font size is legible. Itty bitty text can get really frustrating.
  • When you resize your screen, flip your phone, switch to your laptop or tablet, do things move smoothly and automatically adjust so that everything is easy to see when scrolling? (You don’t need to pinch or swipe to see things.)
  • Do you have clear calls to action, is it easy to find information about your services, and is there a clear and easy way to contact you or visit/find you? Can visitors either click a number to call you, click on a map for directions, or use your contact form that has auto-resized for the device, so that your visitor can see all the fields?
  • Test your site with Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool.

Tip…mobile design and functionality is just one thing to take care of.

Remember, while having a mobile-friendly website is crucial, Google recently confirmed that quality content is also one of the most important ranking factors. Marie sums this up perfectly…

Content is the new currency.

—Marie Forleo

When you need a site that works wonders for your business, start with a smart plan.

If you’re not sure your site is “friendly” for visitors or you need help getting your site up to date, reach out and let’s chat. Try it from your phone! 🙂

À bientôt !


Janet Hoover | Create Launch Grow Website Design & Development

Hi, I'm Janet

Web designer, developer, and digital strategist for growing businesses. Learn more about how I can help you keep moving forward with a transformative, conversion-focused website that works wonders and helps you go from stuck to strategic.

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